Family District is keen to offer a high-quality curriculum to favor, in partnership with families, a harmonic, complete development of children’s potential.

We recognize the child as a competent and active individual, with peculiar characteristics and a unique identity, owner of the right to be the main player of his/her own experiences and growth path.
The child is the best expert on themselves.


Children are naturally inclined to develop some competencies more than others, learning in a natural way through sperimentation, in a spontaneous relationship with the world and the environment (physical and relational).


Family District pedagogy is based on the humanistic pedagogy and the relational pedagogy with specific reference to the Reggio Emilia Approach and his founder Loris Malaguzzi. To be inspired by this theory means for us to look at each child under all perspectives and offer experiences that stimulate all his/her “hundred” languages. Each child should be given the chance to discover his/her own natural, preferred and spontaneous way to get in contact with himself/herself, the others and the whole world.

The Nursery & Kindergarten uses the concept of the ateliers as pedagogical tools to offer children stimulating experiential paths. Atelier is a welcoming and inspiring place where children can express themselves through multiple mediums using the language of art. In the Atelier each child can “think with the hands”.


We also find inspiration from the play-based Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which sets the standard for learning, development and care for children from birth to 5 years old in UK. In line with the Reggio approach, the evaluation of the learning journey of the children is based on the constant observation during the routine in the daily life at the Nursery & Kindergarten.