The Nursery & Kindergarten has an on-site kitchen.
We use a fall-winter and a spring-summer menu cycle.
Each cycle features a 4-week menu and follows the instructions provided by the local authority (ATS).

A great focus is given to the balance between different nutrients and to the appropriateness of the diet, as well as to the educational aspect. The aim is to promote the skills development based on the age range (independence, eye-hand coordination) by always respecting the growth steps of each child.
There is also the option to have a personalized menu in case of ethical, religious, cultural and medical needs.
The daily menu is split into: morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack.
The menu is meant to satisfy the nutritional needs of a specific age range and to incentivize the knowledge of a variety of flavours and textures.
The menu for babies is based on the instructions provided by families and pediatrician and are differentiated to ease the weaning process.