The Nursery & Kindergarten is located in a private street in the centre of Milan, in the heart of Porta Romana. Our facilities cover an area of around 1.500 sqm, of which 400 sqm are outdoor.

Our School welcomes children from 3 months old to 6 years old.
Our pedagogy is based on a deep knowledge of the early childhood development stages and of the children educational needs. It is designed in a way that guarantee consistency across the children learning journey and look carefully at the transition between Nursery and Kindergarten.

The Nursery & Kindergarten offers an educational environment where communicative, expressive, logical and practical competencies are all stimulated. It also contributes to the development of the cognitive, affective, social and moral components of each child’s personality.

Our focus is on:

  • the role of director of each teacher, always available and open to dialogue, able to observe the children and to observe himself, stimulating children to develop their skills and abilities;
  • an adequate environmental setting, which plays a key role to make children feel comfortable and safe, to favor exploration, play and learning;
  • constant and systemic observations to assess the appropriateness and the suitability of the educational program and also to allow a deeper knowledge of each child personality.